Gay & Lesbian Wedding Photographer ~ CT, NY, MA


Capture Photography

Essex Connecticut LGBT Wedding Photographer

Creative. Candid. Classic.


Capture Photography is all about real images and as a result you’ll find me, Mary Beth, a very real girl behind the camera that will probably make you laugh, smile, and snort if we are both lucky. One of my favorite aspects of my job is being able to meet new people almost every day! I HEART people. Whether it’s over drinks, on a hike, or on a road trip. I love to chat with people and learn their story.



Tell me your story, how you got where you are, what you love, what you fear, and what you do on Saturday morning when you don’t have any plans. This helps my vision of how I want to photograph you, how you should be captured, and how people will see you and the mark you left on this earth. I value spending time with my clients. Their energy is reflected in the photographs of them and their loved ones. So the better I know you, the better my camera knows you too - so let’s chat!

Capture Photography - Mrs. and Mrs. Banner Capture Photography - Black and white candid photograph of brides Capture Photography - grooms wearing blue shirts holding each other Capture Photography - Lesbian brides black and white candid wedding danceCapture Photography - grooms together in the woods Capture Photography - Lesbian wedding ceremonyCapture Photography - groom kissing partners hand after vows Capture Photography - Photo of lesbian brides on park bench Capture Photography - Candid shot of lesbian couple Capture Photography - Black and white portrait of lesbian brides Capture Photography - Lesbian wedding brides countryside photograph

An Investment

Choosing your wedding photographer is a very important decision. You want someone you click with, someone you are comfortable with. After all, we will be spending one of the most important days of your life together! It’s important that both you and your guests feel at ease to take pictures in a natural, candid environment to show the ‘real day,’ as it happens.


That being said, remember that wedding photography truly is an investment. It isn’t just about taking photographs that day. Its the entire process from the first minute we meet, the creative consultation prior to the wedding, the BIG day itself, and the post-processing and album creation that we work on together afterwards are all part of this investment. These photographs will last long beyond your wedding day. My hope is they last long beyond our lifetime.

Capture Photography - Candid photo of brides embracing Capture Photography - Street photograph of LGBT brides with bouquets holding hands Capture Photography - Photo of brides and flower girl Capture Photography - Intimate photo of lesbian brides Capture Photography - Black and white photograph of brides and family Capture Photography - Married brides with wedding party holding balloons Capture Photography - Photo of brides seafoam green tennis shoesCapture Photography - Happy brides raising hands up Capture Photography - flower girl dancing

Mary Beth Morrissey is the Queen Bee at Capture Photography 

She digs shooting funky and lovable couples who appreciate sarcasm and good beer.  She’s a travel junkie who loves to meet strangers. She's a hair color aficionado and a culinary idiot. Beyond all the artsy awards that have come her way, her number one prize is her French bulldog Pixel.    


So here are a few things about me that may interest you: I have a dog named Pixel that I carry around in a baby bjorn while I bike on my beach cruiser on main street in Essex. Yes, I’m that girl. I’ve been to 21 countries and lived in 3. I have met Bill Clinton, Prince Charles, and Julia Stiles. I can be won over by items that are pink, glittery, or have melted cheese on them. I once had to have my pants blessed at a wedding in order to photograph it. My hair color is my “thang”, it’s usually some awesome shade of the rainbow. I have two nieces that are the loves of my life. I was the school mascot in middle school and my dream one day is to write a book about this amazing job I have. Also appointments during shark week are few and far between. Priorities, people.

Marybeth Morissey and Pixel


lesbian gay friendly wedding professional
















LGBT friendly wedding professional