Featured Online Listing with Brochure Page on EnGAYgedWeddings.com
Sign-Up Form for Advertising - Vendors Listed in the United States
If you have any questions or would like us to assist you in filling out
the sign-up form please call us toll-free at
1-855-IDO-LGBT or direct at 1-561-929-9929
- Only steps 1,2, 9 and 10 are required to submit this form.
Steps 3-8 are optional
- This sign-up form will time-out if left idle for more than 10
After you complete and submit this form you will have the following
- Proceed to the secure PayPal payment gateway and pay by VISA, MC,
Discover, AMEX, or electronic check
- Call us to pay by credit card over the phone
- Request that we e-mail you an invoice so that you can pay by check
or money order
- Request that we call you to discuss your order details
1. Advertising Package
2. Enter Your Vendor Information For Your Advertisement
This information will be used to create your advertisement
and will be read by customers
3. Optional - Additional Wedding Service Categories
4. Optional - Additional States or State Regions
5. Optional - Areas You Serve Within the State(s) You Are
Signing Up For
What would a customer type in to Google to find you?
- List Counties, Municipalities, Districts, Metropolitan
Areas, Regions, or Cities that describe the area that you
- Include local terms (examples: Locals refer to Northern
Virginia as "NOVA" and Orange County, CA is called "the OC")
- Please note - we will not list areas in States that you
are not signed up for
6. Optional - Featured Banner Advertising
Banners rotate at the top of the State, Region or
Category Page
- Our Featured Banners are 1000px wide by 200px tall.
We will create your Banner or you can supply one created
by your own design team.
- Regional Banners are only available in: California,
Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York
7. Optional - Your Social Media Accounts & Blog
Choose up to six social media accounts that you would
like listed on your advertisement
8. Optional - Special Instructions for Your
We will build your advertisement using information from
this form combined with text & 14 images from your web site.
Some Clients prefer to be more hands on. Below is a space
for you to enter special instructions
9. Required - Terms of Use Agreement
The EnGAYged Weddings, INC.
Terms of Use Agreement
10. Required - Anti-Spam Question
Please answer The Anti-Spam Question Below to Confirm
You Are a Human
(Hint: the answer is not case sensitive)
Test For Humans: Is fire hot or cold?